Call for Papers

Abstract submission deadline date is 14 June 2019.
Participants interested in presenting their original papers are invited to submit a 300 word abstract by the above date to the JISSE-16 Office. (jisse-16*aastr.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp[Please replace * with @.])

Template for Abstract


学生セッションで発表する講演の中から、審査を経てStudent Presentation Awardを授与いたします。

【Announcement】Student session

Selected presentations in the student sessions will be awarded as "Student Presentation Award".
Please notice the application to student sessions in the submission e-mail, when applicants are willing to have presentations in the student sessions. In the student sessions, mini-presentation and poster presentations are required.
This is a good chance to see persons from industries and let the companies know the applicants.
Presentations by the industries are planned in the session too.

【お知らせ】Extended Abstractの提出について

その際、Extended Abstractの提出の案内を差し上げます。
Extended Abstractは6ページ以内で下記の書式に従って、7月31日までにメールにて提出をお願いいたします。

【Announcement】Submission of Extended Abstract

The acceptance of the submitted presentation will be notified by the middle of June.
The e-mail will include how to prepare and submit the extended abstract.
Please prepare the extended abstract using the format (see the file below), and submit it by e-mail by 31st July, 2019.

Template for Extended Abstract

Technical session themes

JISSE-16 welcomes abstracts concerning the following session topics:

  • Automotive Applications
  • Aerospace Applications
  • Wind Turbine, Marine, Ground transportation and Civil infrastructures
  • Thermoplastic Composites
  • Composite Manufacturing, Rapid Production, and Automated production
  • Composite testing and standardization
  • Additive manufacturing
  • Bonding and adhesive technology
  • Nano Composites
  • Green Composites
  • Composite Recycle Technology
  • Polymer Matrix Composites
  • MMC, CMC, C/C, High-Temperature Applications
  • Structural health monitoring, Nondestructive Evaluation
  • Experimental Characterization
  • Numerical Modeling and Structural Design
  • Textiles and Textile Composite Materials
  • Fatigue and Durability for Composite
  • All remaining items